Fantasy Football Season Starts Now
Wow, COVID summer is flying by and yet I’m already thinking about COVID autumn. Drinking pumpkin spice lattes through a mask, going apple picking in a mask, wearing cozy sweaters with matching cozy mask, oh and FANTASY FOOTBAAAAALLLLLLGH. Yeah that’s right, it’s still happening whether you’re ready for it or not. This means you'll get to see teams like Mahomes Depot face off against Yippee Ki Yay Justin Tucker. Or maybe Dak to the Future vs. Buffa-low Expectations.
If you weren’t Zoom drafting last year, there’s a good chance you’ll be joining the rest of us in Cybertown, USA this draft season. And maybe that's not a bad thing for those of us who have a tendency to get a little overexcited during the draft.
Just because your draft may be virtual this year doesn’t mean you get to skip out on your league traditions. You can still form a Brady Bunch circle around your last place manager, mute their mic, and roast them into oblivion just the same as if you were there in person. The reigning champion will of course want to keep the league trophy close at all times to remind everyone of the true reward of fantasy football: the begrudging admiration of your college acquaintances.
Oh, did you forget to have the trophy engraved with the name of last year’s league champ? Yikes, bring that sucker in to the shop and we’ll get you taken care of before anyone notices your lack of commitment. Wait, do you not even have a league trophy? Does your league champ just hoist an Excel spreadsheet above their head and pat themselves on the back? I hate to break it to you, but nothing is official until it’s engraved on a trophy. Maybe step it up a notch with one of these monuments to fantasy football glory:
Credit to athlonsports.com for the ridiculous team names.